“My concern is provoked by the observation that so many who understand themselves to be followers of Jesus, without hesitation, and apparently without thinking, embrace the ways and means of the culture as they go about their daily living 'in Jesus name'.” –Eugene Peterson
Christian worship, as it is practiced in America, is largely unsatisfying and often banal. Why? Because it so often eschews the mystical in favor of the trite. The problem is, God is nothing if not mysterious.
Well, now we know it’s hilarious when bad political actors try to fake “joy”.
I keep hearing that the Christian faith is supposed to be a call to heroic adventure. In some parts of the world, it probably still is.
We have the Amish where I live. Some days, I envy them.
“Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.” –Martin Luther King Jr
Cats. Yeah, those darned things. I have one. A purring, flopping, meowing, begging, needy thing. She constantly follows me around, demands attention, gets underfoot, demands to be petted, jumps on the desk when I’m working, walks across my keyboard, and makes herself a general pain in the neck. So, yes, maybe the Creator does have a sense of humor.
I have reached the point where I believe it is always wise to question the wisdom of the experts.
Get the facts before you decide to become a Christian. Ask your Christian friends if they can name a biblical hero or a Christian saint who lived an easy, comfortable life. Just sayin'.
When I pray to God, I tell him the good, the bad, and the ugly. Why? Well, for one thing, I’m pretty sure God isn’t interested in fake BS. Besides that, I figure God is tough enough to handle the truth.
It would seem that some thoughtful Christians are finally starting to realize that “denomination” and “non-denomination” are just other words for “disintegration”.